Our BIG FIVE personality test certification for trainers, coaches, professionals and executives. Join our LINC-network of more than 3.500 coaches and trainers.

On this page you can find all information about our BIG FIVE personality test certification


Our BIG FIVE personality test certification for coaches and trainers – one course for all LINC tests 

With this basic course you acquire the right to work with our premium personality test based on the BIG FIVE, the LINC PERSONALITY PROFILER, as well as all other variations of our personality tool (TEAM CHECK, EXTERNAL REVIEW, CANDIDATE CHECK, PARTNER CHECK)

Outline data: 2 days, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m (EST).

Our offer for you:

  1. You pay 990 USD excl. VAT for participation in the two-day certification as an online event.
  2. You have the opportunity to use the tool yourself before the start of the certification workshop and receive your personal evaluation in the form of a 34-page report.
  3. The offer includes the certification for all tools of the LINC GmbH:
    – LINC PERSONALITY PROFILER  (LPP): The standard tool for coaching and training
    LPP EXTERNAL REVIEW: Comparison of self-image and external review as 360-degree feedback  
    – LPP SPORTS PROFILER: Relationship between key success factors in competitive sports and the individual personality profile
    LPP TEAM CHECK: Representation of all results of a team at a glance
    LPP PARTNER CHECK: Representation of the results of two people at a glance (partner or business variation)
    LPP CANDIDATE CHECK: Systematic analysis of the fit between candidates and a position
  4. After your certification, you will receive three free tool usages.

Further information on our BIG FIVE personality test (LPP) and LINC can be found in our info brochure.

Costs for our BIG FVE personality test

We see our coaches as partners and would like to offer you fair conditions.  

After your certification, we offer you full flexibility in ordering the tools:

  • There are no minimum order quantities and no contingents that must be purchased. If you need a tool, you can also order just one tool!
  • You do not buy links that you may not be able to use, instead an invoice is only due once a report has been created and sent.
  • After certification, there are no further costs in the form of re-certification after a few years or an annual membership fee. This means that if you do not use the tools after certification for any reason, there will be no further costs for you.
  • We are pure tool developers. When we generate orders from our partner companies, we pass them on to the coaches in our network. We do not demand any compensation for this, e.g. in the form of a percentage share in daily or hourly rates. Our coaches can use the entire income from the assignments we mediate as well as the contact to the company as a service from us.

Information on the content of certification 

DAY 1:

On day 1 we focus on the contents of the personality test. We will present the conception of the LPP very transparently and explain why which dimensions are covered, on what basis these dimensions are selected and what the results indicate.

The goal of this day is to enable certification participants to answer any questions a user may have, to gain an understanding of the meaning of the test’s characteristics, and to do so regardless of the participant’s educational background.

DAY 2:

On day 2 of the certification the participants’ application competence is trained. During the course of the training, the participants will discuss what the LPP can be used for and each participant will receive tips and hints for individual application examples. Furthermore, the possible applications of the tool are discussed.

The aim of this day should be that after the certification each participant has gained knowledge about the individual application possibilities and is able to competently and confidently work with the LPP on a daily basis.


General data: 2 day online event

Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (EST) each day


Are you interested in an in-house certification in your organization? Please do not hesitate to contact us.


Logo_Business-Partner_ICF and LINC

We are now officially business partner of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Germany Charter Chapter. We are very much looking forward for the collaboration and the new synergies we will create as a result.

More information about the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Germany Charter Chapter you will find here. 



Did we evoke your curiosity? Contact us! We would be happy to explain our options to you in a phone call. Simply click on the contact button below, send us an email at or call us at +1 212-584-9727.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Your team at LINC North America Incorporated